Glorious Geranium
In January we launched our brand new Geranium scented goodies online. The essential oil fragrance transports you to a warm summers evening (you know the ones, not the rainy kind we usually have here in Yorkshire). Whilst topping up our skin with the natural goodness, we thought we would take a look at the special properties of the essential oil to see the positive impact it has on our bodies. Our geranium scents come with a teeny hint of sweet orange to life the products. Last year we wrote about the benefits of sweet orange essential oil which you can find here.
Geranium oil is extracted through the steamed distillation of the stems and leaves of the plant and boasts therapeutic properties that include being an antidepressant, an antiseptic and anti aging!

1. Aromatherapy
Geranium is known for its uplifting aroma and has often been used in aromatherapy since the Roman, Greek and Egyptian periods. It has even been suggested as a remedy for depression or chronic anxiety as it creates a positive mood whilst bring clarity and balance too. Rub a little on your temples and see if you notice your mood lift, we certainly did.
2. Skin enhancer
In fact, the Egyptians would promote the use of the essential oil claiming properties that would leave your skin radiant. This is due to its antibacterial and healing properties which speed the recovering of scars and acne.
3. Anti ageing
The essential oil is also an astringant and works to tighten the skin whilst improving circulation to make skin appear more youthful. The handy oil is known to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and regulate oil production.
4. Menopause and mentruation.
One for the ladies amongst us! Geranium essential oil is particularly beneficial for menstruating or menopausal women. To alieviate PMS symptoms, it is recommened you rub the oil over your body and inhale the scent. The oil helps to tame surges of oestrogen in the body and promotes harmony between various hormones in the body and therefore combats symptoms such as weepiness, sore breats, eratic mood swings and digestive discomfort. Use in combination with lavender essential oil for best results.
We hope you have found our discoverys as fascinating as we have. Let us know if you discover any changes to your mood! Do check out our geranium soap, cream and gift set.
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