Loving and the Christmas Markets
The Cosy Cottage Soap Company team took to the road in December, and what a time we had! With able and beautiful support from Kate, Kerstin, Lily and Louise we hit the road and hit the streets in Melbourne (the East Yorkshire one, not the Australian one), Pocklington (there's only one), and York (the old one).

Despite drippy skies and glacial pavements, a great time was had by all, meeting lots of new friends and extolling the joys of our additive free, organic soaps.

We filled stockings, armed those saucy, secret Santas and we surprised our customers' loved ones across the UK (and, in some cases, the world).
All this Christmassiness brought to mind a former life and Advent scene, with cotton-wool snow, traditional, English carols, Bavarian-styles stalls, majestic palm trees and 30 degrees Celsius, in the Middle East. A great time was had by all that night too; local Emirati and ex-pat friends shared time, chocolate (lots of it), friendship, light and love.
Our thoughts this year are with everyone in Berlin, where the bright candles of friendship and love have been tested but hopefully never extinguished.
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